Sedation Dentistry in Bryant, AR

If you experience dental anxiety, you're not alone. With dental sedation options at David Ouellette Family Dentistry, you can enjoy a relaxing dental experience!  Dr. Ouellette and our compassionate team are never here to judge – we're here to do everything we can to provide the exceptional dental care you deserve, and support your healthiest smile! Because we understand the idea of visiting the dentist can sometimes be scary or stressful, we offer two sedation options for patients.

Gentle Sedation Dentistry Delivered by Experts 

patient asleep during a dental procedure thanks to sedationWith gentle sedation dentistry combined with our team's skill and expertise, you can trust our team to ensure your visit to our office goes smoothly! Dr. Ouellette and his team are dedicated to offering expert treatment in a relaxed, welcoming environment that leaves you feeling less anxious, and more confident in your smile.

As a member of the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation, Dr. Ouellette believes in giving patients a choice in their dental care. To ensure that your procedure goes smoothly we offer two forms of sedation at David Ouellette Family Dentistry:

Inhalation Sedation

Using a comfortable mask, we will administer a precise mixture of a sedative commonly referred to as “laughing gas.” Almost immediately you will experience a sensation of euphoria and calmness. This type of sedation is very common and is safe even for children. You will remain fully awake during your procedure and able to ask any questions. Afterward, the sedative’s effects will diminish quickly so you can safely drive home from your appointment.

Oral Conscious Sedation

For patients who experience moderate anxiety or who need a somewhat stronger sedative, Dr. Ouellette will prescribe oral conscious sedation in the form of a small pill to take before your appointment. By the time your procedure begins, you will be in a fully relaxed state and may experience slightly grogginess or fall into a light sleep. After the procedure, patients typically don't remember much about their visit. Because the effects of oral conscious sedation dentistry typically take several hours to wear off, our team recommends scheduling a ride home from your appointment.

Learn More About Relaxing Sedation Dentistry

Ready to learn more about what sedation dentistry can do for you? Dr. Ouellette is happy to help you choose the best option for your needs! Call today to learn more about adding sedation dentistry to your next treatment.

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